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This site - henceforth known as "the Site" - has been created by the company - henceforth known as the "Editor" - :

Company name REVO IMMO
Company stucture SAS
Capital 245000 €
Head office 4 rue des Grands Champs Parc d'activités de Lanserre 49610 JUIGNE SUR LOIRE
Company registration number 909 835 076 00011
Phone 0252 352 462
Publishing director Emmanuel MITTEAULT
Professional registration number CPI49012022000000005
Guarantee fund GALIAN ASSURANCES 89 Rue de la Boétie 75008 PARIS 08 Montant de la garantie : 120000€
VAT number
Pro card issued by : CCI du Maine-et-Loire
Pro card delivery on : 09-02-2022
Médiator : ANM CONSO 2 RUE DE COLMAR 94300 VINCENNES 01 46 81 20 95
"(*) This information is not currently available, but please Contact us "

  • Parc d’activités de Lanserre – 4 rue des Grands Champs 49610 LES GARENNES SUR LOIRE  -  
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